In with the new and on with the old
The Alcona County Road Commission recently added two new single-axle trucks to its fleet and both trucks have been retrofitted with dump boxes from two retired trucks.
“Several years ago, the decision was made to install stainless steel dump boxes on trucks in the Road Commission’s fleet because they are durable and can better withstand the rigors that come with road maintenance,” says Road Commission Manager Jesse Campbell. “It was a good call because this is the third chassis one of the boxes has been on.” The other box, Campbell explains, was salvaged from a chassis that was damaged by fire caused by an electrical malfunction on a jobsite.
While the initial investment in stainless steel boxes is about 20 percent higher than the cost of regular steel boxes, it is evident that over time the stainless steel is the better value.
“When the truck is no longer serviceable, but the stainless steel box is still very useable, it just makes sense to recycle the boxes,” says Campbell. Campbell says every effort is made to make smart decisions when it comes to recycling equipment parts. “We always try to look at it from all angles to make sure we’re getting the biggest bang for the buck. Sometimes it’s worth it, and sometimes the cost outweighs the benefit.”
The two Western Star trucks were purchased from Grand Traverse Diesel in Traverse City at a cost of $108,160 each. The used boxes have proven useful over the years with a conveyor bottom type material spreading system that works equally well for summer and winter applications. Both trucks are equipped with a wing attachment for additional efficiency for winter maintenance.
The trucks are already in service. One has been assigned to the Harrisville Township route and the other to the west Hubbard Lake route.
The Alcona County Road Commission maintains over 700 miles of roads to get you where you want to go. Questions or concerns about road equipment or road issues, should be directed to the Alcona County Road Commission at 301 N. Lake Street, P.O. Box 40, Lincoln, Michigan 48742, by phone at 989-736-8168 or by e-mail at